My Moms Scrabble Board
My mother is a very special person to me and for her birthday I wanted to make her something extra special. When my brothers and I were growing up we played Scrabble a lot with my mother and grandmother, it was always a very special occasion. The board is 100% custom made, and includes custom engravings for the respective score tiles, as well as a heart inlay for the centre.
Espresso cups were used for triple word scores, coffee beans for doubles and varying sizes of chocolate bars were used depending on a double or triple letter score.
All the engraving work as well as the pocketing of the heart inlay was done on a CNC machine.
The board is made of walnut and maple to provide a good contrast of colour.
The grid pattern is slightly raised, this allows the letters to sit in their respective slots when played and prevents them from shifting when the board is moved as it has a swivel base.